St Matthew was a tax collector and sinner who was converted by Jesus’ teaching and became one of his closest friends. He is the author of the Gospel which bears his name and a towering figure in the life of the early church. As our patron saint he prays for us and protects us and it is important, especially in these days, to give thanks for him. Unfortunately we can’t celebrate the Patronal Festival in our usual style nor welcome large groups from outside of the city but we will celebrate nonetheless!
On Monday 21 September 12.30 (St Matthew’s Day) there will be a Sung Mass with Homily (Preacher Fr Edward Morrison SSC). Capacity will be 41 booking via or sign up sheet at church.
On Friday 25 at 7pm, Bishop Norman Banks of Richborough will deliver the annual Lecture in Catholic Evangelism to a similar capacity but also live-streamed at the same time. Booking via
On Saturday 26 (our usual festival day), Mass will be celebrated in honour of St Matthew with a short and simplistic procession of the Blessed Sacrament for Benediction in Barker’s Pool. Capacity 41 booking via