Parish Nurses are Registered Nurses who undertake a certificate in Parish Nursing and are employed or appointed as a volunteer by a church or Christian organisation to lead a health ministry. Parish Nurses analyse local health needs and then focus on improving, maintaining and regaining health through education, advice, advocacy and referral.
Parish nurses work with people of all ages and backgrounds, those of any faith, or none. They are bound by the NMC Code of Conduct and will not pressurise anyone to change their religion or be involved with the church.
Parish Nurses receive independent supervision and support from Parish Nursing Ministries UK and their associated governance group.
Our Parish Nursing service aims to reach out to promote the health of body, mind and soul of our diverse community.
is to offer a listening service with crisis support and to create sanctuary, space and time for people; to provide information and health education, and to signpost to appropriate services and offer spiritual care to those of any or no faith.
We provide the following:
WHY is the Parish Nursing Service needed?
Our parish is in the top 7% of deprivation in the country (2018). The Marmot Review entitled “Fair society, Healthy lives” (2010) states that those living in the poorest areas die on average 7 years earlier and spend an average of 17 years living with a disability than those living in areas that are more prosperous. The key factor in implementing change is encouraging people to take control of their own lives. Health assessments, sharing of information and sign posting seeks to empower those in the parish to make positive health choices.
We wouldn’t be able to offer this service without the generous help of personal donors and larger charitable trusts such as:
- The National Lottery Community Fund
- The Number One Trust
- Sheffield Town Trust
- Sheffield Church Burgesses
- The Diocese of Sheffield
- Harry Bottom Charitable Foundation
- St Agatha’s Trust